Scalp Micro Pigmentation


Micro Scalp Pigmentation also know as Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a great new solution for anyone who suffers from baldness. This procedure is ideal for people wanting a long term hair loss solution without any surgery or scars.

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MSP is a method of depositing pigment into the dermal layer of the skin on the scalp, which replicates hair follicles. When viewed from a few inches or further away, the pigment dots appear as hair follicles and the client has the appearance of a full head of recently shaved hair. MSP is color matched on a gray scale for most clients and can be used to treat clients of very pale complexion to extremely dark skin tones. Pigment changes also allow treatment for clients with red hair, blonde hair or older clients who have much gray or white hair. A Scalp Micro Pigmentation procedure is also much more cost effective than the normal hair transplant procedures. SMP companies or MSP companies offer there same services and professionalism even though the prices are lower for the procedure.


I am well-aware that many people are a bit skeptical about having this Scalp Micro Pigmentation procedure done as it's a fairly new hair restoration solution/procedure on the market and one must be sure that the procedure is going to be done properly and professionally by people who know really what they are doing. This is why you need to be sure about the company that you choose for this procedure. Usually, a Scalp Pigmentation test procedure is done before the main procedure which will be applied to a very small area of your scalp. After this test procedure, you can see a photograph of this area and have it magnified many times so that you can see exactly how good the results really are with your own eyes. Please note that this process is nothing like a hair tattoo.


The Scalp micro pigmentation procedure has a very natural looking effect due to the fact that smaller specialized needles and specialized pigment inks are used. This enables the matching of human hair pigments and don't change color over time. You will also be able to see how your natural hair color matches with the pigment color which is applied for the Scalp Micro Pigmentation. Also the chosen Micro Scalp Pigment color is as close a match as possible to your natural hair color which will as a result be almost undetectable and look very natural. You have nothing to lose by trying this out. Contact Quinton Gordon.





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